Mozilla firefox add ons not trusted
Mozilla firefox add ons not trusted

mozilla firefox add ons not trusted

Still, they allow websites to track your activity and siphon your personal data. They can be useful on various websites (such as remembering your shopping cart). Most of the tracking that occurs on the internet happens via cookies. This way, one website won’t be able to know about your activity on another site, so your search results won’t influence the advertisements you receive.Īnother bonus function of Multi-Account Containers is that you can simultaneously sign in to multiple accounts for the same site, giving you a better browsing experience. For instance, you might use a Facebook container, search engine container, and Amazon container. Open that up then you will see TONS of stuff inclucing in FF that you had NO IDEA was there!!ĭelete or disable EVERYTHING - NONE of it is necessary for any form of browsing - I’ve deleted it all and had zero negative effects.Īlso type in about:config type safebrowsing and disable ALL hits - safebrowsing is google safe search built in to FF - it constantly sends data to GOOGLE from your FIREFOXĪlso type ‘google’ into about:config and delete everything, all references and all links.With Multi-Account Containers, you can separate your browsing activity (and therefore the cookies) into separate containers. To find them all - install ccleaner and in it, theres a tool for finding all of your hidden browser pugins… in cccleaner go to ‘tools’ then ‘browser plugins’ and then ‘firefox’ - it has options for FF, IE and Opera. If that wasnt enough, there are tons more, from amazon, bing, google and others to be found. xpi files in there - they are totally unnecessary and are of major privacy concern!! I’ve deleted them all now, but they’re in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\featuresįrom memory there is a screenshots app, pocket and at least 3 more. There are TONS of hidden plugins/addons in all versions of FF. There is no such thing as a hidden add-on

Mozilla firefox add ons not trusted